News & Blog

Hear from the Experts
With so much information readily available online, it can be difficult for individuals to know where to locate subject matter that is credible and relevant to their experience. With support from the Cancer Support Community, we used recent member survey results and ongoing member feedback to connect with these subject-matter experts which reflect the most...
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A Note from an AYA
“Just wait and see if it goes away.” I had gone to the doctor for a sinus infection, and in the process casually asked about a small lump I found in my breast. My doctor wasn’t concerned. I was too young. I was healthy (outside of that sinus infection), and even with a family history of...
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Expressive Arts: Building Community at Gilda’s Club
There is a word we use at Gilda’s Club that you have probably heard often. In the Clubhouse, on our socials and emails, and every printed material that we produce, that word is included. At Gildas, we like to use the word ‘community’ any chance we get. Community is at the core of our mission,...
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Exemplifying the Power of Human Kindness: Kids & Teens
As we reflect on our work in the last year and what we hope for the year to come, it is truly humbling and heartening that our days are overflowing with such beautiful moments of human connection. Entering into a new year can sometimes bring excitement for a fresh start and a sense of hope. Other...
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Elise Taylor: My Gilda’s Club Why
By: Lisa Taylor, Gilda’s Club Board Member I work for HCA, a company that supports and strongly encourages its colleagues to get involved in the community. A few years ago, Joanne Pulles, HCA’s Vice President of Community Engagement, introduced me to Gilda’s Club when I expressed interest in getting involved with a charity that helps...
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The Sounds of Togetherness
By Allison Yonker, LMSW, Program Director The jingle of the bell as the Clubhouse door opens. The smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. The sounds of conversation and laughter. What a difference a year makes! On November 1, we welcomed members, volunteers, and facilitators who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 to return to in-person...
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You Are Inspiring, Appreciated, Essential
By Harriet Schiftan, MSW, MAJCS, President and CEO A little over a week ago, we held our biggest fundraiser of the year, the 2021 Red Door Bash. Like so many things these days, the event didn’t look the way we envisioned when we began planning it nearly a year ago, but wow! What a testament...
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Planning to Meet the Needs of a Growing, Changing Middle Tennessee
By: Helen Lane, Gilda’s Club Board Chair Because of Gilda’s Club’s “Everyone Has a Cancer Story” awareness campaign in 2019, my personal cancer story is somewhat known. As a long-standing member of the Gilda’s Club community, and as a business leader, it was difficult to share about this challenging time in my life, but I did it...
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Silver Linings, Smiles, and a Sweet Reunion
By: Liz Geller, LPC-MHSP While it can be helpful in difficult situations to try to find the positive – to “look on the bright side” and “find the silver lining” – life during a global pandemic has made such efforts of optimism feel cliché, challenging, and – on some days – downright impossible. It’s been...
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Overcoming Challenges Together
By: Jim Corum, Board Chair I am so appreciative of my time serving Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee as a Board Member and, most recently, as Board Chair. I continue to be blown away by the servant’s heart I witness in all who are associated with the Gilda’s Club community, particularly the staff and volunteers who’ve...
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