Kids, Teens, & Families

Kids & Family

A Cancer Support Community for Kids, Teens, and Families

For more information on our Kids, Teens & Family Programming, reach contact Program Manager, Sharon Benus, LMSW.

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Families Facing Cancer

A support series for families in which there is a family member with an active cancer diagnosis and/or currently in treatment for cancer. Families are invited to eat dinner together before joining separate adult and kid/teen group meetings. If you’re interested in learning about the next series, please contact us!

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Kids & Teens Grief Groups

Special groups for children and teens who have lost a loved one to cancer. These groups focus on helping children remember and celebrate their family members, as well as providing them with tools to understand and process difficult emotions around loss as they move forward.

Special Events & Workshops

Special Events & Workshops

Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee offers a variety of free workshops and activities for kids and families that enable these members of our community to explore various avenues of expression, while building a community with other families who share similar experiences. Activities include:

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Family Social Events

These evening or weekend events are devoted to helping families have fun together and may include community meals, game nights, expressive art activities, and family movement and relaxation classes (with lots of hugs and laughter, of course).

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One Day Fun Day

An annual day of “summer camp” activities for kids impacted by cancer in any way.

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Educational Lectures

Opportunities for adults to learn from experts about a variety of topics around parenting when there is cancer in the family.

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More Information

For more information about Gilda’s Club’s programming for children and families, email us or call 615.329.1124

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